Based on real events in 1931, this short film tells the story of the young author Marieluise Fleisser, who is commissioned to write a novel about the German woman in order to respond more to the female readership. Here she is faced with the challenge of emancipating herself from her husband Hellmut Draws-Tychsen and the female image of that time in order to tell her story about the German woman.
Frieda Geier | Elisa Schlott |
Marieluise Fleißer | Luisa Wietzorek |
Hellmut Draws-Tychsen | Oleg Tikhomirov |
Gustl Gillich | Sebastian Winkler |
Director | Tobias & Kevin Schmutzler |
Producer | Caroline Muhl |
Set Design | Sara Herbst |
Composer | Florian Kontny |
Gaffer | Max Berg |
First AC | Matthias Wallot |
Second AC | Nathan Engelhardt |
Key Grip | Otto Spiewok |
Colorist | Sabine Jankowski |
Production | FilmCrew Media |
Distibution | International Film Festival |